Mirada Ser Mirada (TRÍA)


    Mirada Ser Mirada is a collective project carried out in April 2020, in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. After an open call, fifteen visual artists signed up to participate in the fifteen days project. The idea was for each artist to create a visual diary of the quarantine, by using their own creative explorations to craft one photozine per day.

    At the end of the project, all the photozines were archived in a digital platform so that each participant has the opportunity to print and assemble the photozines created by other participants, in order to have their own physical archive of this collective experience.

    The goal of this project is to promote a community of connected women through the work of visual creation and affections, and to create an archive that stores the different lived experiences of this particular time.

    This project was developed by TRIA, a collective of female photographers who, through sharing emotions and experiences, propose and create visual projects that prompt collective exchange and discussions. TRIA is formed by Lucía Alfaro, Sandra Pereda and Melissa Navarro.

Photozines from day 03, 09, 11
For MiradaSerMirada Project
